Friday, November 8, 2013

Starting speech therapy

Fin had his evaluation Tues for speech therapy. He really only says 1 word at this time so it's time to get him moving on that. While he sat and played they asked us questions regarding what he does say, what kinds of sounds he makes, if we ask him to do a task like "Can you hand that to me?" will he do it. Does he play with toys the way they are meant to be played with as well as make up inventive ways to use them (such as wearing a pot on his head as a hat). Does his tone go up and down when he babbles, do we hear letter sounds in his babbling, ect. The next step is for them to review the answers to all the questions and formulate a plan. Then in about a week they will contact us to make the first appt to begin therapy. He will be working with the same person each week and his time will only be a half hour. So we should be hearing back in about a week.

In the mean time I have found this great app on my tablet that teaches sign language with songs. So far I have learned how to sign 3 sings. Fin loves to sit and watch the videos that go with each song. I will sit with him and sign/sign the song along with the video. He's learning just by watching eventually he will start to use some of the signs. It's one of the ways they will work with him during his sessions. They will use a picture, actual object, along with the word and the sign. We already use some sign language with him but he will only use a few of the signs he's been taught. He loves to watch the Baby Signing time DVD's. I have one set so far. I only turn them on as long as he is willing to sit and watch them. He doesn't have a very long attention span to watch the full dvd.

He's finally hit the terrible 2's. He's been into everything lately LOL. I will turn my back for a second to pick up the living room and if the gates aren't locked he is in the kitchen getting into the pantry. He will come walking out with a loaf of bread or a box of flavored rice. What's funny is I can't figure out what he is standing on to reach those things. I swear the kid has a 10 foot reach just standing on his toes. He has also taken to throwing his toys into the rabbit pen. I don't know if he just likes the sound they make when they hit the wire floor or what. So now I can't have the rabbit in his big pen during Fins awake times. The poor rabbit isn't very big so some of the toys that he likes to throw in could do some major damage to the poor dear's head. He's safer in the smaller cage upstairs right now. Fin loves the rabbit so we don't want to see him hurt. Fin likes to pet and kiss him. It's really cute the way he gives him a hug he likes to snuggle him right up to his face. He just lights up anytime he gets a chance to pet any of our animals. He's decent on being gentle but he likes to smack them in the face on occasion to so his "visits" to our fur children have to be supervised at all times LOL.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Happy Birthday Finlay!

Sweet little Finlay is 2 years old today! I can't believe 2 years has gone by since he graced us with his beautiful self. He's growing up so fast! Saturday was his birthday party, and he had so much fun. His cake was Backyardigans and he loved it so much he took his time savoring every bite. That and he had frosting all over his face so it was good cake. When he got home he was all about checking out his nice gifts. He just loves the batman car Grandma Nett and Papa Paul got him. He has been having a lot of fun cooking food on his play grill with his brother. They have been grilling hot dogs and hamburgers, delicious hot dogs and hamburgers. He had a wonderful day today. He had fun playing with his toys and watching the Backyardigans. We took him to dinner at Spaghetti Warehouse and gave him his gift from us (a pirate play tent). Finlay had a wonderful day and went to bed a happy little boy.

Picture time! It's amazing how much he has grown and changed in the last 2 years. He's such an amazing little boy.


 1 Month

 2 months

 3 months

 4 months

 5 months

 6 months

 7 months

 8 months

 9 months

 10 months

 11 months

 1 year

 19 months

2 years

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Finlay is SOOOO big!

My sweet little Finlay is growing up so fast! He is now 19.5 months old. He is such a character too. Nothing like his brother LOL. He loves to play with his brother. He is Ethan's little shadow. Follows him wherever he goes. He still isn't talking very much yet but there is no concern. The Dr said that they wouldn't recommend any kind of speech therapy until he turns 2 because before the age of 2 it really has no benefit. He is very good about communicating what he wants though. He does do some sign language that we have learned from Baby Signing Time and he is capable of showing us what it is he wants so there isn't too much of a communication gap with him. He doesn't get flustered too often with it which is good. Finlay is a go with the flow kind of kid. If things get changed up he doesn't care he's just happy with whatever. Although he seems mellow he is quietly deceptive. Currently his favorite thing to do is to sneak into the kitchen and get into the basket with the clean hamster bedding. I keep it locked up in the pantry but if it gets left open even just the slightest bit he will find a way in and will sit quietly in the kitchen pulling out the pine bedding. It can take a few minutes before we notice he isn't in the room with us because he knows how to be quiet LOL. Yesterday Matt went to the basement to start a load of laundry and I went upstairs for no more than 5 minutes. When I came back he had spilled a drink and had gotten into the hamster bedding. Amazing what that kid could do in 5 minutes time. He may make messes but he actually likes to help clean them up. He loves to help me pick up toys around the living room. Dishes is another story, he likes to pull them out of the dishwasher faster than I can put them in. I usually give him a wooden spoon and a pot then show him how things sound different when he bangs on them. He will walk around the kitchen banging the spoon to the pot, fridge, stove, walls, ect. At least he isn't pulling dished out of the dishwasher LOL. He is easily entertained. We recently bought him a water table to play with outside and on these warmer days he has been having a blast playing in the water. It's been a great toy for him. We thought about a sand/water table combo but we didn't see that going very well. We figured the sand would always be in the water LOL.

I haven't put hardly any pictures of him up. I've got a ton but I'm just lazy. I said this on Ethan's blog but I will say it here too. My hard drive on my computer went bad so right now I don't have any pictures other than what may be on my phone to post. The computer has been taken to Best Buy and they are attempting to retrieve my things from the hard drive. I was given a time frame of 3-5 days so hopefully by Sunday I will know what is going on. There are always pics being posted to facebook from my phone though. The computer is shot but I bought an external hard drive and that is where they will be transferring my info to. So as soon as I have everything set up there will be an explosion of pictures on both boys blogs.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

18 Months Old

Finlay had his 18 month check up on Wednesday. He is now 30" long and 20.6 lbs. Overall he is right where he is supposed to be other than talking. He points to things, is walking all over the place, he's turning the pages of his board books, is starting to scribble, can climb stairs, does recognize a few body parts. So he is doing well. He is on the small side but there is no concern there as he's growing at a normal rate.

Sunday Finlay will be walking with us at the March for Babies. More like he gets the easy part and will be riding in a carrier on mommy's back. He is looking forward to doing the walk, Finlay wants more babies to be born healthy and full term.

Finlay has been a busy little boy. There just never seems to be enough time in the day for him to walk around and play with his big brother. Finlay likes to do anything that includes his brother. Right now he is Ethan's little shadow. He is Finlays best friend.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Guess who's walking!

Yep that's right! Little Finlay is now walking. It started a few days ago on Tuesday. Ethan and I were sitting reading his books from his literacy bag when Finlay took one of the books and just started walking away with the book. He had no idea what he was doing but once he realized what he was doing he stopped and carefully set himself down. Then Weds after lunch he was all about trying to chase Ethan so I had Ethan run back and forth across the room (there is never getting Ethan to stand still) so Finlay could walk to him. Eventually Ethan sat on the floor and was calling Finlay over to him. Ever since then Fin has been all about walking. So far he's managed about 9 steps at a time but he's all about it. I've got video of him walking, he was a riot.

Today Finlay is 16 months old. He spent his day playing in the corner with his toys and helping me put clothes away. More like I put the clothes away and he pulled them back out. Then screamed at me when I put them back. He was all about making sure socks didn't go in the drawer, LOL. He's also taken a liking to feeding us. He was trying to feed Ethan at the table during lunch and then later he had a spoon and a plastic bowl and he was scraping the spoon in the bowl (there was nothing in the bowl) and trying to feed it to Daddy. He is silly.

Here is one of the videos I took of Finlay walking. He was such a hoot!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

15 months old!

Sweet little Finlay turned 15 months yesterday. Today he had his 15 month check up and all is looking well. He is up to 18 lbs and is 29" long. He's a little squirt but he's mighty. He is doing most of what he's supposed to be doing except talking but there is no concern about it. Last week he took his first unassisted steps. He's preferential to crawling, especially when Ethan is around because he can skitter across the floor in the blink of an eye but he will attempt to take a few steps as long as one of us sits in front of him. He's got excellent balance when he stands and the little stinker can pull himself into standing position without the need of assistance. So he's pretty much on track for the most part for his age.

Last night we took the boys out to dinner at Olive Garden and Mr Finlay decided that it was the perfect place to throw the coaster, his menu, crayons, and anything else we put in his hands. He thought it was funny to see Mommy and Daddy have to get up every 30 seconds and pick things up. Apparently this is a very fun game LOL. He can be suck a little stinker at times.

Finlay has just been a busy little boy with all the new toys to play with and all the exploring he has to do. He loves to figure things out. He has figured out how to put the cap on bottles and how to twist them on. Of course then he gets mad when he can't get them off LOL. He will sit forever and put caps on bottles. He has a lot of patience that's for sure.